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The Camera

(my not-so-secret-other-love: Photography)

Jim Beckwith is an ex-photo-journalist and media producer/composer-turned full-time musician.  Except when he is shooting photos. Take a look.



I had quite an adventure trip to India with my friend and collaborator, Saul David Raye, last November. On tour with a group of Yogis visiting various sacred sites and temples and learning the ways of India. Here are a few visual impressions from that trip.

There will be more to come. I shot so much there. Take a look and check back again :)

Western Landscape


I really discovered the amazing beauty of the Western US landscape when I took my music for yoga on the road, driving from Boulder through Utah, over to San Francisco, then all over the Southwest.


Sometimes I would come into a new view and have my breath really taken away by the combination of the scene and the right moment of light.


Quoting my own song: "If you want to make a nice photograph, look for the beautiful light." That's my philosophy for shooting. In the right light, almost anything is beautiful.

Yoga Music

I've been making music for yoga full time since 2010. Here are some pics from some of those events.

Instagram Faves :)



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